Advanced Features for eCommerce Store That Should Include

Advanced Features for eCommerce Store That Should Include

Online businesses require more attention and smart work; you must evaluate customer purchasing patterns and appearance than offline sales. You must consider customer experiences and the design of your eCommerce application, and the use of some beneficial features to attract customers. Your eCommerce website must have additional advanced tools/features to attract your targeted customers as the competition has increased. Every eCommerce store needs a website, and having all of the necessary tools and features is equally important for success. A successful eCommerce website will include all of the necessary tools and features. Here are some advanced features that should include on every eCommerce website.

Advanced Features for eCommerce Store That Should Include on eCommerce Website:

  • AI Algorithm for Product Recommendation:

There is no difference between a product recommendation system and a recommender system. These terms have slightly different meanings, but they all refer to the same thing. So we’ll stick with the first version, a product suggestion system, to avoid confusion. It’s a software program whose main goal is to make recommendations for things or content users want to buy or check out.

An information filtering system that uploads information according to users’ interests, preferences, or behavior history on an item is known as a recommendation engine. So it is because it can identify a user’s interest in a particular item based on their profile.

Customers can easily and quickly find the things they are looking for due to product recommendation algorithms. So far, a few recommendation systems have been designed to find things that the user has seen, purchased, or interacted with in some way.

The recommendation engine is an excellent marketing feature, particularly for eCommerce, but it can also boost profits, sales, and revenues in general. That’s why customized product recommendations are so popular in the retail industry, with eleven more research proving the value of recommendation engines in the eCommerce industry.

  • Virtual Trial Room:

Gone are the days when people avoided online shopping because they couldn’t try out the products they would purchase. Instead, online businesses have been working hard to bring the shopping experience as near a physical store as possible. In recent years, virtual trial rooms have been developed by online websites such as Moschino, Tribute Brand & Hanifa. Most of these programs make use of your device’s webcam to improve your shopping experience. Due to the advent of such apps, e-tailers claim to have seen an increase in conversion rates.

The healthcare industry has been accepted these features for better usage of patience. Many patients are turned down for site-based trials for various reasons, including living too far away from locations, not having regular transportation, or having a handicap that makes travel difficult. They can join in virtual trials more easily, and there is a larger pool of people.

  • Voice Search:

Voice search is a feature that enables consumers to make online searches using their mobile devices. Voice search is becoming a popular communication method since it saves time and effort by reducing the need to look for keys or types. In addition, users can use the feature to perform various tasks on the internet that would otherwise need them to input and progress. Due to the current popularity and preference of voice search among internet users, eCommerce businesses must add voice search optimization into their marketing strategies. 

Voice search’s rise could be a game-changer for the economy. By the end of this year, voice search will make up half of all online searches. If you ignore voice search for eCommerce, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity. Unfortunately, many marketers haven’t paid much attention to this growing trend, which is unexpected.

  • Google Shopping Integration:

If you own an online store or eCommerce business, you should surely include Google Shopping in your marketing strategies. When compared to standard text advertising in Google Ads campaigns, Google Shopping has some advancements. 

Since its launch in 2010, Google Shopping Ads have become increasingly popular worldwide, particularly in eCommerce marketing. With the support of Google Shopping Ads, businesses worldwide, no matter how small or large, have been successful in their respective markets in recent years. It has proven to be more effective, efficient, and cost-effective than outdated PPC Google Text Ads and has become one of the most popular marketing channels in the world. 

Google Ads has become a must-have feature of any online business in the eCommerce sector around the world. The main reason for this is that the business website gets a lot of awareness on the internet, which leads to a lot of paid visitors. Google Ads mainly targets those who share common interests in the type of business featured in the Ads. 

  • Elastic Search:

Elastic search is an enterprise-grade search engine based on Lucene that is open source, widely distributed, and scalable. It is provided under the Apache License. It’s written in Java and is designed to work in real-time. It can search and index a variety of document formats. It was designed with flexibility and scalability in mind for use in distributed contexts. 

Elastic search is now the most used enterprise search engine, followed by Apache Solr, another Lucene-based search engine. According to reports, up to 30% of online shoppers use an internal search engine within an eCommerce website to find a specific deal. Store owners may now enhance conversion rates and profit margins by enhancing the search results that customers see.

Conclusion: Most websites’ success is defined not only by the things they sell and how successfully they are marketed but also by the advanced features they provide to consumers and website owners. As the owner of an eCommerce website, it is important that you have the tools to manage your site and that the advanced features are compatible with your company’s operations.

Need help? Our eCommerce development team is here to help.

At Rao Information Technology, we make it easy for you to create and maintain an eCommerce website. Our experienced eCommerce developers will work with you to develop a world-class site that will perfectly suit your needs. Contact us now to see how we can help.