How can Google Penalty Removal Restore your Webpage Rankings?

Easy Ways to recover From Google Penalties

Google is a leading search engine, and there are constantly upgrading to provide the user the best user interface. With these upgrades, Google aims at improving user experience and administer relevant and topmost answers to all search queries. Furthermore, since the last decade saw significant growth in SEO, businesses have understood the importance of how beneficial a top-page search result could be.

Many companies have resorted to techniques that improve their web search ranking, and there is nothing wrong with optimizing your web page. But, some users have taken it all the way to include some unacceptable and unethical techniques that fall under the category of Google penalties. Google recognized these unethical tactics and started issuing penalties to websites that violated the guidelines.

Let’s take a look at Google penalties and ways to Google Penalty Removal.

What Does a Google Penalty Mean?

Google started issuing penalties to fend off and discourage the websites that resorted to unethical means by indulging in misleading behavior. Now the question arises how Google puts a stop to it. First, Google confiscates a website of all its profitable search rankings.

Don’t be in a bubble that if you use manipulative tactics to reach the top page search results, Google will not notice. It can outsmart you, and even if your website ranks are on the top one day, once Google recognizes a penalty, it will take action. These actions will negatively reflect your Google rankings. But it is not the end of the world. You can regain your website ranking if you take the correct actions for Google penalty recovery.

What Happens When Your Website is hit with Penalties?

Google penalties can have a negative effect that can instantly affect your website’s ranking. It will reduce the organic traffic on your website and lead to a downfall in your search result rankings. This will decrease the visibility of your website, leading to negative sales. It can be an honest mistake or a discreet device to improve your rankings, but Google will issue a penalty for any website that fails to follow the guidelines.

What are some Penalties and How to Recover from Google Penalties?

Now that we know a little about Google penalties and their effect on your website, we will further move on to some common Google penalties and the ways you can fix them. A majority of Google penalties take place because of two important algorithm upgrades: Penguin and Panda. Penguin penalties discourage websites that use black hat link techniques, while Panda penalties discourage websites with thin content. So, without getting into details about Penguin and Panda, we will look at common Google penalties and ways to fix them.

  • Link Schemes: The most valuable and effective SEO technique is Link building. We all know that valuable links to a website will increase its page rankings as well as enhance search rankings. But, some websites take exaggerated measures to get unnatural backlinks. In Google’s terms, this is called Link Schemes. Google forbids from any transaction that includes any website paying another website to link them back. Associating your website with a Private Blogging Network can be another reason to be hit with a penalty. For those who have no idea of PBN, it is a network for private blogging that is used to create links to each other.

How to Recover from Google Penalties:

If your website is under the radar for a manual penalty for unethical links, you have not hit rock bottom yet. If you get issued a manual action, Google will provide a basic link of unethical links through Search Console. You can also use other tools like Ahrefs to get a detailed view of your backlinks and assess them one by one.

The first and foremost step is to remove any questionable backlinks to your site. You can do this by sending an email request that asks the backlinks to be removed. The next step would be to use Google’s disavow tool to inform Google about your questionable links.

  • Thin or Scraped Content: Scraped or Thin content essentially mean the same thing: your content is not good enough. In Google’s algorithm, the issues of poor content were recognized by Panda. According to Google, Thin content is inferior, poorly manage content, and shallow pages. Google identifies Scraped content as content that is plagiarised or republished on your website without any additional value.

How to Recover from Google Penalties:

The most effective step you can take when hit with a Thin content manual action is to completely remove or improve the affected pages. If the page is essential and important, consider adding content of some value to it. Check plagiarism by using tools like SEMrush. Study thin content by reviewing bounce rate and time on site. If you delete the page, ensure 410 or redirect. After you have addressed all the manual actions, send a reconsideration request using the reconsideration request tool.

  • Keyword Stuffing: For those unfamiliar with the term keyword stuffing, it means to load up a web page with unnecessary keywords that don’t add any value to the published content. This was a very initial technique to enhance your web rankings, but now Google prohibits it. In the earlier times, keyword stuffing was the most effective technique, and it used to work. But Google is smarter than us, and it caught on quickly. In Google’s algorithm, this counts as a spam method to deceive search engines. If you have been hit with this manual action, here’s how you can recover from Google penalties.

How to Recover from Google Penalties:

There is only one step to fix this action: stop. Refrain from using too many redundant keywords. The most effective and true method is to give the best webpage for a particular keyword. If you want to achieve top rank for a particular service or product, be the damn best a user can get. If you are hit with a penalty for keyword stuffing, delete all the spam words and content. Once you are finished, submit a request with the help of Search Console.

These were the most common Google penalties and Google penalty removal steps to help you if you have been hit with a manual action. There are hundreds more, but they all have one thing in common, manipulative and deceiving techniques. The only thing to remember is if you want your website ranks and search ranks to improve, you have to provide the audience with high-quality, genuine, and valuable content. Your aim should be to create content for the audience and optimize it to get a good webpage ranking. So, if you have been using a questionable trick to fool search engines, identify your penalty and use Google penalty recovery to regain your traction.