Everything You Need to Know about Facebook VS Instagram VS LinkedIn VS Twitter for Digital Marketing

Facebook VS Instagram VS LinkedIn

Entrepreneurs have access to various social media platforms, and the ones you choose can have a massive effect on your social media marketing success. in this article we will discuss about Facebook VS Instagram VS LinkedIn VS Twitter for Digital Marketing, Your business, audience, and brand can have an impact on the network you choose. Social media keeps billions of people connected all over the world. The most successful social media brands include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (which is owned by Facebook), and Linkedin. Different demographics are attracted to these platforms. Facebook attracts people of all ages. Instagram users are typically younger, while rich college graduates prefer Twitter. Linkedin is helpful for many professionals and graduate students to get their job.

The statistics of each social media site’s audience may help determine which platform is best for your company. Facebook’s number of users has increased significantly from Instagram, the second most popular social media network. Facebook has more than 2 billion members globally, with 47% of them over 35 years old. On the other hand, Twitter has 271 million members globally, with 35% of those between 18 and 29. Instagram has over 1 billion users, with 59 percent of them being between 18 and 29. LinkedIn has 550 million users has been around longer than Facebook and Twitter. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is the apex. Here you get to know the difference between Facebook VS Instagram VS Linkedin VS Twitter.

Facebook VS Instagram VS Linkedin VS Twitter (X):


In terms of brand recognition and the total number of users, Facebook is the most popular social networking site on the internet. Facebook, which has approximately 2 billion active users, is a great platform for connecting people from all over the world with your company. Users can upload text, links to material, images, movies, live videos, events, for-sale goods, and many more on Facebook.

Along with its high quality, Facebook helps to turn your consumer base into a community. By creating a basic Facebook profile, you may give behind-the-scenes looks at your company, new service deals, and more. It only takes a few minutes to set up, and once you’ve uploaded some photographs, you can start soliciting followers from Facebook users.


Twitter has shown it is an effective way to communicate with people all over the world. It is very useful for customer service. It provides a one-of-a-kind atmosphere for customers to express their problems quickly and directly and for businesses to shine by responding quickly and thoughtfully to maintain profitability.

Twitter provides users with a lot of new information and content from all around the web. Every month, it gathers millions of active users, and almost every company in the globe has an account to keep its customers informed. This business-oriented social network may not have the same wide appeal as Facebook, but it is one of the most available networks on the planet. Twitter, on the other hand, famously limits users to 280-character messages. That means you must be straightforward, entertaining, and useful in one tweet, which is difficult to do. However, if you do it correctly, others will favor or retweet what you’ve written, enabling you to reach a wider audience.


If you work in a B2B industry, LinkedIn is the best social media tool to use. It enables users to connect with business professionals and identify possibilities based on their industry, title, firm, job search and recruiting, and other characteristics. LinkedIn Groups is one of LinkedIn’s most useful products for businesses. You can join or form groups unique to your niche or industry and ask others to join.

In general, this means that companies that target corporations as clients will be more successful than those that target consumers directly. LinkedIn is full of decision-makers and influencers, and if you can get your brand and message in front of them, you can make another sale.


Instagram is a social media website dedicated only to photography and video. When its introduction in 2010, Instagram has proven to be popular, but it has been a challenge for marketers since it changed its algorithm, which no longer allows posts to be seen in chronological order. Companies that use Instagram as a marketing and sales tool have lost control due to this development. Moreover, unless the post is clearly labeled as an ad, users cannot add clickable links to their posts, giving it a far less valuable source for growth momentum.

In metropolitan areas, Instagram has a larger following. Thus businesses focused on fashion, or digital technology will usually fare better than those focusing on agricultural or home construction. That isn’t to suggest you can’t succeed if you’re not a youthful, trendy brand; it just means you’ll have to be a little more creative with your photography.

Final Words:

Remember that there is no such thing as a global golden rule. People are unique beings who respond to different forms of social media posts. Do not miss out on creating strategies and using paid ads to get to that extra mile! Some of the most effective social media campaigns were mostly based on ‘gut feel.’ So get out there and experimenting with different post types and platforms to determine which ones work best for you.