6 Successful Ways to Build a Customer Loyalty Program for Your Salon

As the salon industry grows day by day, it is important for business owners to know their brand inside out. Even after spending a majority of their time in the same field of business, there are only half of the salon owners who know the real worth of their business. Many salon owners do not realize the value of what a new customer can bring and offer their business. A new customer can bring in a wave of change in your business. The services you offer should benefit the new customer, and this is your chance to present the best of your services, products that will gain you the loyalty of a new customer.

Most salon owners fail to see the importance of Lifetime Client Value and fail to create a connection between their brand and the customer. An average customer is worth to your business more than you think or know. As we progress towards modernity, the simple task of taking a note of the customer’s phone number can go a long way. All you need to do is keep in touch with your clients through calls and emails and offer them compelling discounts to bring them back to you again and again. This will create customer loyalty for your brand and bring in revenue that smashes all your records.

6 Ways to Build a Customer Loyalty Program:

In the beauty industry, the clients are the heart and soul of your business. The easiest way to retain your customers is to give them the experience they cannot find anywhere. However, there are certain steps to build a credible and loyal bond between you and your clients.

  • Offer the Best Consultation:Beauty is the thing that concerns everyone. Everyone wants to look attractive and feel good about themselves. SO, when a client, new or old, comes to you, your job is to offer them a consultation that focuses on their concerns and needs. Offer them a one-on-one consult to know more about what the client wants and what they expect from your services.As a beauty expert, your job is to offer them a piece of advice as to how to maintain their skin, hair or area of their concern. Whenever the client chooses a specific treatment or service, educate them about its benefits and how it will help them achieve their desired look.
  • Appreciate Client Loyalty:In the beauty world, loyal customers are your biggest asset. There are a few loyalty schemes that can influence and win your customers’ hearts. By implementing these schemes correctly, your business can thrive and grow leaps and bounds.There is fierce competition in the beauty business, and running a loyalty program should be on the top of your marketing lists if you want to achieve success in a long-term plan. To appreciate the loyalty of your clients, you can offer good discounts, offers, and free treatments after they have visited your salon a certain number of times in one year. It is as important to build a new client chain as paying attention and looking after the customers who have been loyal to your salon.
  • Encourage Follow-ups:Every beauty service requires a regular follow-up. Tell the stylists and therapists at your salon to educate the clients about when they need a follow-up treatment, haircut, or a facial. Please encourage them to book in advance and tell them that your weeks are full while not seeming too pushy or desperate.Inform your clients about how to repeat treatments at regular intervals can positively affect their skin, hair, or body. For example, ask, ‘Shall I schedule you after 4 weeks? This concern might have a positive effect on your client as it shows you care. Sometimes don’t hold back to show that your schedule is full when it’s not. The client doesn’t have an encouraging aspect if they think you have a free and open schedule.
  • Promote and Introduce Offers:The best way to let your clients know about your services is to tell them. When you are consulting the client, introduce them to the expert of the treatment you are suggesting. Involving other staff members in the consult is a proven way to get repeat business. Your interest in a client’s needs shows that you care and encourage them to stay loyal to your salon.Discounts are a great way to catch the attention of your clients. Present offers and discounts that give special price if they use two services. Give incentives like book two treatments together and get a discount. Offer a demo of a new service with the existing service they are getting and encourage your clients to avail those services.
  • Stay in Touch:Just offering discounts is not enough. You have to show your clients that they are valuable. Keep in touch with them through messages and emails that promote discounts. Don’t be indulgent with your messages or emails, as it might disturb the clients and push them away. Just keep regular intervals between your communications so that they don’t forget about you and don’t feel like you have forgotten about them.
  • Express Gratitude:A simple Thank you can go a long way when it comes to customer loyalty. Treat your clients with respect and humility and see it work its magic. One smile can win your client’s heart, and then they will tell their friends about your services and their positive experience of coming to your salon. Remember, word of mouth is the simplest and fastest way to promote your business.To make your salon business successful, build a loyalty program that offers more than just your services. A thriving salon loyalty program is the one which interests your customer and wants them the avail the offers and discounts you promote. You can take the help of software that will automatically send notifications to the customers if they are due for any service or treatment. Keep a check on your progress and see if you are achieving desired results. The biggest success would be retaining old clients and bringing in new ones as well. For a business that thrives and grows, your clients are the most valuable aspect that can lead you to success.