Create a Free asset management report with Assetrics.

Make a FREE copy of our asset management report template and analyze dead stock, working, non-working assets & more in your organization

100 % Free asset management report. Analyze data better and make accurate decisions!

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Analyze all the asset-related data across devices for FREE!

Analyzing asset management reports across devices is easier with Assetrics. Not just on desktop, view reports on your smartphone too.

A Powerful combination of Google Sheets & Data Studio

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Why use Assetrics, The FREE asset management report?

Keeping track of deadstock, assets in use, and assets in maintenance is complex! Assetrics makes it simple for you!

The perfect stock management report template for

Manufacturing Units

Retail Businesses


Schools & Colleges

Wholesale Businesses



  • 1. How do I create a free Asset Management Report using Assetrics?
    Generating an asset management report with Assetrics is simple and easy! We’ll provide you with a Google sheet to record all the data regarding assets. Not just this, but to help you analyze that data effectively, we’ll also let you make a copy of our Data Studio asset management report template. Once you connect the sheets with the template, you’ll get a customizable Data studio report to monitor your assets.
  • 2. Can I use this report template to generate reports for an IT business?
    Yes. From computer screens, keyboards, and mousepads to wifi routers, you can monitor various assets available in your office for free!
  • 3. How does Assetrics help me monitor assets?
    Once you create your asset management report using our free template, you can analyze the categories below.
    • The total number of assets
    • Deadstock
    • Assets under maintenance
    • Working & Non-Working assets, etc.
  • 4. Do I need to maintain a sheet to generate the asset management report? How do I create that?
    Yes, you need to record all the raw data in an asset management spreadsheet. Don’t worry. You don’t have to create one. We’ll provide you with a FREE copy! Once you make a copy of the sheet, all you need to do is enter data regularly.

Fill up the quick form & Get started!

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